I must thank my friend Lou for being addicted to guitars and keeping me in business. He brought me a Regal student model parlor he got on ebay recently. I've actually seen this one floating around for awhile, but I guess nobody was ready to tackle the project. I'm trying to figure out where to start myself. Looks like it was left out in the rain. The top and back are half off, half of the braces are missing or loose, causing the neck to pull forward. Its just a mess. On the other hand, I welcome a challenge, and he said I did a good job on his kingston that was splitting apart and is letting me try to work my magic. I'm thinking that I'm going to remove the back and rebrace it with new braces to try to reverse the warping, and if all else fails, put a new back on if I can't straighten it out enough.
Without further ado, here's the before:

pray for mojo....
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